
rhi - 2004-12-22 14:53:41
Green Machine envy leads to baldness...they only recently discovered the link.
Andy - 2004-12-22 14:57:19
Why didn't you just beat up lil Timmy and take the damn thing? Geezo. And I know Pat that you really fancy yourself as Faceman, but in that photoshop, you come looking like Murdock.

Rhi forgets to mention Pee in her entry. And Pat didn't once mention his penis. sad....
Pat - 2004-12-22 15:00:37
Howd you guess? Yeah i didnt really do too good of a photoshop on thatone. i almost forgot to rubber stamp howling mad murdock in there. and i just NOW realized that i blew my cover cause suddenly "johnny" grows up to look JUSt like me.... oh well. Yeah rhi DIDNT mention pee and i didnt mention penis...but i DID drop a few fbombs!
Andy - 2004-12-22 15:02:45
The F bombs do make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. As if, everything is right with the world.
Pat - 2004-12-22 15:15:46
Yeah i could'nt ever write a children's story i would get fired...what IS scarey is that in less than 2 years i'll be teaching the leaders of tommorrow at a school near you.... muahahahahhahahahahhahahahahh oh to warp the minds of tommorrow....sigh
Andy - 2004-12-22 16:24:59
What grade are you going to teach Pat? What subject?
Pat - 2004-12-22 16:31:13
Elementary ed... though not sure what grade. i dont think that you actually get to choose, i think you just sorta go with whatever opening they have!
Andy - 2004-12-22 16:37:14
I coould see you as a science teacher for some reason. You'd be the cool teacher. The one the kids buy a case of beer for at the end of the year.
Andy - 2004-12-22 16:45:27
OR the freaky teacher who ends up sleeping with the entire cheerleading squad. :^)
Terri - 2004-12-22 17:33:36
I live at the North Pole. I'm serious. Not THE North Pole, but the town I live in is called North Pole. It's very confusing for my kids. They keep expecting to run into Santa when we shop at Safeway.
Pat - 2004-12-22 18:09:10
Yeah i can see how that gets confusing! a good friend of mine proposed to his wife at the South Pole, on New Years eve a few years back! i think abc news actually covered it! WHats funny is i seem to see Santa at the Safeway here, ringing a bell and standing next to a red kettle! i suppose he got lost or something and is collecting change for a ride home!

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