2005-01-20 - 11:11 p.m.

I have come across numerous crazy pictures online, throughout my career as an underachiever. Actually of all the aforementioned batty, berserk, bonkers and bewitchingly odd pictures I�ve come across online, my friend Nick informs me that 98% of them are pictures of me, most of which were crappy attempts at art, via Photoshop. But regardless, I came across this picture the other day and it made me think to myself (what the holy motherfucking fuck is this?!) It seemed so random and bizarre and for some reason I burst into tear inducing laughter for about 34.237 minutes. I don�t know what it is about this pic that I found so funny, but it just seemed so absurd to me...the clown...i just couldnt stop laughing... so I figured it would sorta be interesting to share it with you fine folks. Then, a rare and various light bulb went off in my various brain, and I variously thought that it would be various and cool to ask you, my readers, to post your various captions on this picture. Then a second, even more rare and various light bulb went off in my various and dull brain, and I thought that it would be really fucking cool if I could fucking make this my Friday tradition on Diaryland. So, unless you all complain that this is fucking stupid and inane, and that I'm not pontificating about my schlong enough, I will post a crazy picture every Friday and collect and post all submitted captions in this really super duper animation picture thing that I will post later on�. So please, I implore, beg and ask of you, every Friday, to just comment down at the bottom with your caption! Feel free to comment anonymously or�uh��...anti anonymously?...well, whatever the fucking antonym to anonymously is, please feel free to comment however you see fit�

So without any further ado� I give you the premiere photo for my weekly �Caption This�� feature� I shall call thee...Caption This Clown

Tell me what you think!

13 Have commented so far...feel free to do the same my peeps!

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